Service Beakers - Cardinal Gibbons Chapter

General Information

  • Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
  • Approximate number of volunteers: 40
  • Partner elementary/middle schools: 6

Volunteer Information

Lesson Format

  • We begin with around 10 minutes of introductory information on the topic.
  • We then break up the students into stations–groups of four to five students.
  • Each station has a volunteer or two, who provide some more in-depth information on a subtopic and an explanation of how to do the activity. 
  • The volunteer(s) explain further the subtopic through the hands-on activity.
  • To wrap up, we go over the Start-Your-Own Initiative program, in which students can perform a simple act of community service for the chance to win prizes.

Important Links

Example Lesson - Electricity and Magnetism


We’re always looking for more leadership! Please feel free to reach out if you are a Cardinal Gibbons student who wants to help in a larger capacity!

Mary Milazzo

Chapter Co-President

Mrs. Amy Hambrick

Chapter Moderator

Joshua Njapa

Chapter Co-President

Chapter Alumni

Joey Milazzo

Chapter Founder and President, 2021-2023

MJ Di Fiore

Chapter Co-Founder & Vice President, 2021-2023

Thomas Freddoso, Michael Ditillo, Matthew Degele, Emil Javerzac

Presentation Leaders, 2021-2023